Harris Federation
The Harris Federation is an education charity led and run by teachers. The founder, Chairman and sponsor of the
Harris Federation, Lord Harris of Peckham, opened our first school in 1990. There are now 51 Harris primary and secondary
academies in London and Essex, as well as a Teaching School Alliance that trains thousands of teachers every year.
Each academy has its own unique identity and is led by its Principal or Head of Academy and senior team. We are
deliberately a federation rather than a chain. What unites us is a culture that ensures the children and teenagers in
our schools get an excellent education within a happy, caring and supportive environment. Our academies are oversubscribed
by a ratio of around four applications for every place available and the vast majority are judged to be Outstanding by Ofsted.
You can find out more about the Harris Federation at www.harrisfederation.org.uk or by following @HarrisFed on Twitter.