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Today we hosted a number of students for a special taster day in our DT department! A positive and engaging day for all involved! Thank you to all the fantastic staff across both Invictus and Primary Croydon for making this happen!— Harris Invictus () June 28, 2024


Year 5 Royal Opera House - The Magic Flute via — Harris Federation () June 17, 2024


Make sure the date is in your diary!— Harris Primary Academy Croydon () June 13, 2024


Staff at HPAC going above and beyond as always!— Harris Primary Academy Croydon () June 8, 2024


We’ve had a fantastic first evening! Off to bed now!— Harris Primary Academy Croydon () June 7, 2024


Keep an eye on our Instagram for photos from residential this weekend!— Harris Primary Academy Croydon () June 7, 2024


How wonderful to see our Primary musicians speaking on so eloquently about music and what it means to them 🥰. We are very grateful for what turned out to be an session with uniting 50 students across our academies.— Harris Federation Music () May 9, 2024


Today HM The Queen visited to open the 50th 's Coronation Library. Pupils wrote poetry with Joseph Coelho and told stories with Alim Kamala. Two students captured the impact - albeit seeing, not reading!— Sir Kenneth Olisa () May 7, 2024


Congratulations ⁦⁩ on your new library! We hope your children and staff enjoy it as much as ours are! See if you can spot our two Year 5s in this special video with some friends from ⁦⁩ ⁦— Harris Primary Academy Croydon () May 7, 2024


⬅️🤩 Swipe for a surprise!Almost a year since Her Majesty opened the first of a series of Coronation Libraries, The Queen has officially opened the 50th reading space to be transformed by at Moreland Primary School in London.— The Royal Family () May 7, 2024


Two of our pupils got an incredible opportunity today! They met Her Majesty the Queen on a visit to open the 1,000th primary library! We were fortunate to receive funding for our own coronation library. What an experience!— Harris Primary Academy Croydon () May 7, 2024


The latest dates for the Mental Health Support Teams (MHST) next series of Parent/Carer Webinars. Scan the QR codes to sign up.— Harris Invictus () May 3, 2024


thank you for such an inspiring afternoon!!! Our students learned so much and had a lot of fun! strikes again with another ⚡️ opportunity for young people across London.— Harris Federation Music () May 2, 2024


I was delighted to be invited by to work with some wonderful young people, in collaboration with and .— Alexis Ffrench () May 2, 2024


Don’t forget to book your place at our family lunch!— Harris Primary Academy Croydon () April 30, 2024


We are SO excited to have our students this afternoon experiencing the incredible Masterclass event with 🤩🎹! What are you doing with your afternoon? I bet it doesn’t involve a free concert and masterclass with an icon 💅.— Harris Federation Music () April 30, 2024


If you are interested in the terrible impact on children and families living long-term in unsuitable temporary accommodation, listen to this podcast - thank you to the parents who shared their stories— Harris Federation () April 28, 2024


Welcome to HPAC to all our new Reception families who will be joining us in September!Welcome letters and emails have been sent out to all those who have been offered a space.We are looking forward to you joining our community!— Harris Primary Academy Croydon () April 17, 2024


If you haven’t commented on the plans to close our local library at Broad Green, please do so!— Harris Primary Academy Croydon () March 27, 2024


Have a look at the National Literacy Programme’s strategy video here. You may even catch a glimpse of our library, children and Principal at about 3mins 40secs! — Harris Primary Academy Croydon () March 27, 2024

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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SEN & Disabilities

Information on where the Local Authority’s Local Offer can be found at:

Thank you for taking the time to visit the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) section of our website. All students have the right to achieve their maximum academic and social potential.   At the Academy we believe that all students have learning differences rather than learning difficulties and it is our policy to identify and assess these differences and ensure that learning is supported and differentiated to ensure outstanding progress is made by all students.

We offer a range of support to develop teachers expertise and additional support within the classroom, this includes; drop-in sessions, in class training and observations from the SENCO, as  well as specialist advice/input within the classroom.  

You will find detailed provision maps of what Harris Primary Croydon can currently offer for your child, depending on their needs and the support they require. If you have any additional questions, concerns or worries, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the SENCO.

Dawn Pritchard is our school SENCO

Contact Details: 0208 689 7688



All our SENCOs are supported by the Federation SEN Consultant: Adriana Verrecchia.  She can be contacted via the school office. 


Harris Primary Academy Croydon’s vision for pupils with SEND

Harris Primary Academy Croydon is committed to providing an appropriate and high quality education for all children. We believe that all children, including those identified as having Special Educational Needs as well as every other student, have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum. This curriculum should be accessible to them, and they will be fully included in all aspects of Academy life. We recognise that pupils learn at different rates and that there are many factors affecting achievement, including ability, emotional state, age and maturity. We are particularly aware of the needs of our pupils, for whom maturity is a crucial factor in terms of readiness to learn. We believe that many pupils, at some time in their Academy career, may experience difficulties which affect their learning, and we recognise that these may be long or short term. At the Academy we aim to identify these needs as they arise and provide teaching and learning contexts which enable every child to achieve to his or her full potential.

It is also worth noting that from 1st September 2015, there are some changes to SEN legislation, following the Children’s and Families Act 2014. A summary of key changes are below, but please visit the link at the bottom of the page for further information.

The SEN Code of Practice key changes

The Code of Practice (2015) covers the 0-25 age range and includes guidance relating to disabled children and young people as well as those with SEN

  • There is a clearer focus on the participation of children and young people and parents in decision-making at individual and strategic levels
  • There is a stronger focus on high aspirations and on improving outcomes for children and young people
  • It includes guidance on the joint planning and commissioning of services to ensure close co-operation between education, health and social care
  • It includes guidance on publishing a Local Offer of support for children and young people with SEN or disabilities
  • For children and young people with more complex needs a co-ordinated assessment process and the new 0-25 Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan) replaces Statements of Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Learning Difficulty Assessments (LDAs)
  • There is a greater focus on support that enables those with SEN to succeed in their education and make a successful transition to adulthood

To see the new SEN Code of Guidance 2015, please visit:

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